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Flower Memorials

Would you like to donate flowers to decorate the altar during Sunday church services? You can help beautify our church home for worship in memory/thanksgiving of a loved one.

  • Sunday flowers cost $180 per week. A minimum of $75 is suggested per donor and we will partner your gift with others to meet the total expense. If you would like to fund the whole amount, simply type in $180 on the “other amount” line. Your remembrance will be listed in the bulletin for the Sunday you designate. Thank you!
  • $50 to $250 is suggested for a holiday gift – this provides trees and poinsettias on Christmas and Easter lilies on Easter. We partner all the gifts for the season and print the names and remembrances of donors in the Christmas or Easter bulletin. Additional funds collected at the holidays are used to supplement altar flowers throughout the year.

Thank you!

Fill out the form below:

Flower Memorials

  • Suggested Donation toward altar flowers.
    Price: $75.00
  • Special Gift for Easter Flowers/Christmas Trees
    Price: $50.00
  • $0.00

Photo by Jessica Fadel on Unsplash